Erin KAugust 26, 2022

Low income families need to have a choice on whom their energy providers should be. When you have a fixed income, you need stability and be able to predict your monthly bills. Without choice, energy customers will have constant fluctuation making bill planning and financial clarity extremely difficult.

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Eric CAugust 26, 2022

I want the choice to choose my electricity provider. I’m smart enough to figure out what’s a good deal and what isn’t, and I don’t feel that any legislature should interfere with my choice, even if it’s “for my own good.” I have been exercising this choice for years and I don’t think you could […]

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Tim GAugust 26, 2022

Having the ability to choose has let me keep my electric bills at home and work lower rather than being crushed during cold winter months. This should not be banned! KEEP OPEN COMPETITION!

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