
Empowering Electricity Shoppers: Navigating Rates, Resources, and Consumer Protection

Shopping for electricity for the first time can feel like navigating new terrain, but it’s a process akin to shopping for any other product. Having the right information is essential for making informed decisions. Customers need to understand a few factors like:

  • Changes in utility rates
  • The difference between variable and fixed rates
  • Where to find assistance if needed
  • The variety of products and services available

With access to this information, the process becomes much more straightforward and manageable.

States, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, and Texas, among others, excel in their efforts to educate customers. The Public Utility Commissions (PUCs) of these states have prioritized consumer education, therefore protecting consumers.

Protection in Pennsylvania
  • Pennsylvania’s PUC has demonstrated a strong commitment to consumer education through various channels, including:
  • Through these efforts, the PUC educates customers about electric shopping, provides guidance on utilizing the PUC’s shopping website,, and offers advice on what factors consumers should consider when making their decisions.
  • The Pennsylvania Attorney General and Office of Consumer Advocate distribute shopping education materials and warn customers of what to be on the look for.
Texas’ Transparency
  • The Public Utility Commission of Texas has implemented a transparent star rating system, offering customers the ability to assess retail suppliers. This transparency is crucial as it fosters trust and confidence among prospective consumers, providing them with access to comprehensive reviews of all retailers operating in the state. 
  • By facilitating informed decision-making, this system empowers consumers to make choices that best align with their preferences and needs, ultimately promoting a fair and competitive energy market.
  • You can learn more about Texas’ system by watching REAL’s Retail Markets Forum.
Consumer Protection in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Ohio
  • Ohio and Delaware have proactively addressed consumer needs by curating lists of essential questions for consumers to ask their energy suppliers. These questions cover crucial aspects such as certification, the parameters of variable rates, the existence of introductory rates, notification procedures for price changes, and potential cancellation fees. 
  • By providing these resources, both states empower consumers who may not be familiar with the complexities of the energy market to begin their inquiries from an informed standpoint, enhancing their ability to make sound decisions.

Both the Ohio and Pennsylvania Public Utility Commissions offer rate change alerts to subscribed customers. These alerts keep consumers informed about developments in utility rates, empowering them to make well-informed decisions when shopping for energy services.

REAL has developed resources to fill gaps in consumer education, including:

  • Energy Shopping Guides
    • This comprehensive guide offers detailed steps on how to shop for electricity, providing explanations for various terms relevant to energy shopping.
  • Monthly Energy Shopping Summaries
    • REAL releases state-specific summaries monthly, detailing utility supply rates, the cheapest fixed-rate offer, the cheapest 100% renewable offer in each utility service territory, and a summary of value-added products available to customers.
  • Summary of Resources
    • This section provides additional information on energy shopping, raising awareness about energy choice and utility rates. At the top of the page, you’ll find links to materials from our Competitive Markets Forum, where the benefits of consumer education and awareness were discussed in detail.

While electricity shopping can be daunting for newcomers, consumer education is essential for making informed decisions. States like Texas, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, alongside their Public Utility Commissions (PUCs), lead in these efforts. By prioritizing consumer education, PUCs ensure access to resources like guides and monthly summaries, ultimately empowering consumers to make well-informed choices.

Energy News

Virginia Energy Summit Takeaway: Let Customers Shop

In Virginia, where 35% of the world’s hyperscale data centers are located, demand is outpacing energy supply. Increases can also be attributed to the electrification of vehicles, heat pumps, and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. 

Last week, Virginia leaders and policymakers met to discuss the challenges facing the state in meeting energy demand in an affordable and reliable way. 

The case for competition was made by a panel of experts, led by Glenn Wright, President of Shell Energy. 

“The energy system of the future is multifaceted and multi dimensional,” said Wright. 

There is no silver bullet to address these issues, but a variety of solutions that will facilitate an affordable energy future start with allowing more of Virginia’s customers the freedom to procure energy outside of the utility. 

Dominion recently announced its return to the PJM capacity market, where it will sell electricity generated into the wholesale regional market. Like a retail energy provider, Dominion will also purchase the electricity needed to serve its customers from the regional wholesale electricity market.  

The difference is in where the risk lies on those electricity purchases. If a utility makes a poor choice in purchasing or does not hedge or plan appropriately, it can pass those additional costs on to the ratepayer in the form of riders. 

“Unlike utilities in Virginia, retail energy providers do not have riders or the ability to come back and ask the customer for more money in the event we didn’t collect enough. It’s an inherent risk that we take as a supplier when we hedge,” said Travis Kavulla, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs at NRG Energy.

With the utility as the purchaser, the risk is on the ratepayer. With a retail energy provider, the risk is on the provider. 

“The lack of ability to control and manage wholesale prices at the hands of the utilities is why Virginia’s customers have seen such an increase in rates and riders,” said Kavulla.

In Virginia, only customers who consume >5MW of energy or have the ability to aggregate load from several sites to meet 5MW are allowed to use a retail energy provider to shop for the best price, services, or clean energy content (view customer breakout and shopping restrictions).

Even with the barriers to shopping, 1/10 of Virginia’s electricity is supplied by retail energy providers. 

“Virginia is generally regarded as a business friendly state but in my experience has the most red tape around energy procurement,” said Kavulla. 

Cox is one of those customers who selected Calpine as an energy provider, and it has been very beneficial on a number of fronts. 

“We’re able to hit our carbon goals, because through the retail energy provider, we can source renewable energy. We made [the] transition 5 years ago and our cost comparison shows we’ve come out with savings too,” said Jeff Merritt, Market Vice President at Cox Communications.

The reality of the utility profit function is they only profit by spending more money. 

“They are fundamentally indifferent to the efficiency of investments they make, whereas in the competitive retail market, we’re incredibly sensitive to it because we’re in competition with other companies and the customer is ultimately making choices based on preferences. It doesn’t serve customers for reliability or affordability with a single gatekeeper managing energy options for customers. It would be better to open it up to meet the challenges discussed today,” said Kavulla.

The session concluded with remarks from Wright, “Power is one of the easiest ways to decarbonize. Every industry is actively pursuing electrification in some way. To meet VCEA goals, Virginia must attract capital from private companies into the energy market. A number of different approaches are necessary to meet these objectives and the challenges ahead.” 

In summary, with the monopoly model, the risk is on the ratepayer. Virginia would benefit from diversifying its portfolio rather than putting all its eggs in one basket for these solutions. Removing some of that supply burden from the utility will also empower them to focus on the electric infrastructure, ensuring reliability. As laid out in Sen. McPike’s SB591 last session, removing some of the restrictions on shopping for Virginia’s large energy users will empower those to be part of the solution while benefiting from access to the variety of energy plans and use programs available on the competitive market.

Energy News

July Rate Changes in Connecticut and Ohio

As of July 1, electric rates have been adjusted in Connecticut and Ohio. These changes mark a crucial opportunity for residents to explore their options in the competitive retail energy market.

Understanding the Competitive Retail Energy Market

In these states, residents aren’t tied to their default utility provider for the supply portion of their bill. The competitive market allows customers to compare different products and choose an alternative retailer that best suits their needs. This freedom to shop around can lead to numerous benefits.

Why Consider Switching Your Energy Provider?
  1. Cost Savings: One of the primary reasons residents explore the retail energy market is the potential for cost savings. By comparing rates from various providers, you may find lower prices than those offered by your default utility, leading to significant savings on your monthly bills.
  2. Predictable Billing: Some providers offer fixed-rate plans, which can be especially beneficial for those who prefer budgeting peace of mind. With these plans, your monthly bill remains consistent, protecting you from unexpected rate hikes and making financial planning easier.
  3. Renewable Energy Options: For environmentally conscious consumers, the ability to choose 100% renewable energy plans is a significant draw. These plans allow you to support green energy initiatives and reduce your carbon footprint, contributing to a more sustainable future.
  4. Value-Added Products: In addition to cost savings and sustainability, many alternative energy providers offer unique perks. For instance, some might include free nighttime charging for electric vehicles, rewards programs, or other value-added products that can enhance your overall experience.
Rate Changes by State
Utility SupplierPrevious Rate TermPrevious Supply RateNew Rate TermNew Supply Rate
Eversource – CL&P01/01/24 – 06/30/2414.71 ¢/kWh07/01/24-12/31/248.99 ¢/kWh
United Illuminating01/01/24 – 06/30/2417.06 ¢/kWh07/01/24-12/31/2411.91 ¢/kWh
Utility SupplierPrevious Rate TermPrevious Supply RateNew Rate TermNew Supply Rate
AEP Columbus Southern06/01/24 – 06/30/247.68 ¢/kWh  07/01/24 – 09/30/247.70 ¢/kWh
AEP Ohio Power06/01/24 – 06/30/247.68 ¢/kWh07/01/24 – 09/30/247.70 ¢/kWh
Cleveland Electric06/01/24 – 06/30/249.45 ¢/kWh 07/01/24 – 08/31/249.95 ¢/kWh
Duke Energy Ohio06/01/24 – 06/30/248.01 ¢/kWh07/01/24 – 07/31/248.01 ¢/kWh
Ohio Edison06/01/24 – 06/30/249.29 ¢/kWh 07/01/24 – 08/31/249.46 ¢/kWh
Toledo Edison06/01/24 – 06/30/249.42 ¢/kWh 07/01/24 – 08/31/249.65 ¢/kWh

Consumers can utilize the following tools to mitigate the impact of utility rate changes:

  • Monthly Product Summary: This comprehensive overview offers consumers current supply rates from utilities and comparisons with all available retail supply offers. The summary also outlines additional products bundled with retail energy plans, offering potential additional savings. Access the product summary here.
  • Shopping Guide: Tailored by state, these guides offer insights into energy plans, pricing structures, and opportunities for savings. These resources aim to simplify the complexities of the retail energy market, empowering customers with the knowledge they need to navigate it confidently. Access the shopping guides here.
  • State Profiles: Our state profiles contain a comprehensive overview of the current energy landscape within a specific state. Key components include information about renewable energy requirements, consumer protections, and how to shop. They provide a clear picture for policymakers, stakeholders, and consumers, helping them make informed decisions about energy use. Access the state profiles here.

With the adjustment in electric rates, now is an ideal time to reassess your energy provider. Whether your goal is to save money, achieve more predictable billing, support renewable energy, or enjoy additional perks, the competitive retail energy market offers a range of options tailored to your needs. Take advantage of the new rates and explore your alternatives today to find the best fit for your energy consumption and lifestyle.